Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Do and Make Us Proud Pinoys!

yes! being a Filipino myself i feel that that i gotta share and hand it down to our extremely awesome "kabayans" who dominated the 5th International Skimboarding Competition held in Penang, Malaysia last July 18, 2011.

Im talking about The Philippine Skimboarding Team whom side by side with Alon Skimboarding crew whipped and showed that Filipino's "have what it takes" to win and rule over Skimboarding recieving wows and cheers from international audiences! These pinoy skimboard warriors dominated the competition bagging pride and glory for The Philippines and Filipino's all over the world:

Champion: Arjun Jimenez
2nd place: Brando Espada
3rd place: Obet Yanuario

Wahines Division:

Champion: Arlene Grace Nonato
2nd place: Antonette Bombase
3rd place: Ian Olmedo

i do hope and wish that by winning these international competitions; will open up more opportunities and gain more local support to make this sport grow more so that we can show the world that were not just a struggling third world country but a home ground for top-class competitive Skimboarders.
thank you! in behalf of all the Filipino's here in Singapore: Philippine Skimboarding Team and Alon Skimboard Crew (i wish i could name you all and put all your photos here; but heck, you guys&gals**and that incredibly talented 4year old skimerboy** did one hell kind of a damn good job back there!) you guys rock! Mabuhay kayo, saludo kami.. Godspeed and more power!

credits to my good friend and long time buddy, Jayson Ramirez for the images; allowing permission to post & cross process

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