Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In Dios I Trust

When we read "be careful who you trust" it applies to relationships and life in general. It is your boss, your colleague, the doctor, the lawyer, your friends, your family, and whatever else you want to insert into that blank. It also includes trusting ourselves.

We are all guilty of thinking we believe or feel a certain way about something. Until of course we get to be tested and placed into the actual situation. We assume that because we have never believed in it or that we were taught not to do it; that we never will. This is where we mislead ourselves. It is an example of where we have trusted ourselves too much.

We put our trust in the hands of others until given reason not to. We trust ourselves to navigate our lives until we hit the rocks. We go through lesson after lesson to discover the same results; God is the only one we can trust.

There are a lot of people who do not believe in Him, and that is their choice. It saddens me to think that cultures and religions have caused the thought of us all having a “maker” to be repulsive for some. Unfortunately, that is just how it is.

I can say for certain that no matter how dark the days, how heavy the load, or how long the travels; He was right beside me. I don’t read the holy bible every day. I do not attend church regularly. However, I still believe. I still talk to Him, and He still hears me. Believe it or not, He answers my prayers too! It may not always be in the ways one would expect, but they will always get answered. Remember that "God's delay's aren't always God's denials." We just have to put our trust in Him.

He hears me when I’m smoking a cigarette and He would hear me if I drank a beer. He accepts me, and I trust Him. Perhaps we should all trust Him a little more?

Dios - Spanish for God


  1. truly indeed that God hears us.....our pleads...prayers.....our concerns...however.....what about He's concerns to you in attending fellowships with your brothers in Christ/especially long-lost friends.........relatives!!!!!.....remember not to forget them...try to reach out for them....the same way God is to you.

  2. very well said uncle, thank you for reading. miss you guys, take care!
