Monday, August 22, 2011

To My Mother Aurora Matanguihan Flores

If you can’t seem to find me on-line today, chances are good that I’m still composing this entry. I wanted to buy a greeting card and send it though; coz not too many people use or send these cards anymore. Like most of us, I will wait till the last minute to do the one thing that matters most to my Mom: a phone call. (See, today is my Mom's birthday).

Sure, I could call her later, but I personally think that its much better If I can blog about it and let all my friends and family know how much this wonderful woman mean to me :)

Mom, thank you:

For walking with me through the hard times.
For not turning against me when I lost my way.
For being my biggest fan.
For seeing the best and not the worst in me.
For being a voice of truth in my darkness.
For helping me sift through everything in my brokenness.
For telling me when I was wrong, and when I was right.
For showing grace when others condemned.
For showing love when others showed hatred.
For not allowing me to believe that my mistakes defined me.
For not letting me lose faith in who God made me to be.

Mostly, I want to say thank you Mom, for listening, for your kind honesty, and for your friendship. You always know my heart even often times we disagree, and I hope you know that all the advice I give in return comes from the same loving place as yours. I could never repay you for all you’ve done & given me, and I’m just so thankful that you were born. "Happy Birthday Mom, I love you with all my heart."

Mom with my son's; Victor Paulo and Juan Miguel

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