Sunday, January 24, 2010

Avatar Doesn't Move Me

Haay, i watched it again for the 2nd time in a much more decent format, not 3D though but in full HD 1080p resolution..and yet still it doesn't feel special to me. though it is indeed a feast of splendid - stunning visual CGI effects and animation.

Yeah, it's not a matter of too-high expectations. It was all billion-dollar style, zero substance - ironically "2D" in terms of storytelling. I can't believe it got an Oscar award...

The animation was brilliant, but what made me annoyed was the fact that they could have done so much more, not just showing the beautiful, but the opposite... like in Lord Of The Rings, they had the Elves and the Hobbits, but also the ever-disgusting Uruk Hai's too? Yup, I think James Cameron wrote the entire plot on a post-it note.

Well, to all Avatar fans.. just my two cents though..peace!

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