Monday, May 4, 2009


today, i got my Wolverine Encyclopedia (Wolverine "inside the world of the living weapon") so, i just want to share some facts about my beloved mutant and comic hero:


1. Wolverine's real name is James Howlett, NOT Logan, which was an alias he adopted after fleeing his family home. Thomas Logan was the groundkeeper on the Howlett Estate in Alberta, Canada.

2. Wolverine is over a hundred years old, but hes remarkable regenerative powers keep him looking as he did in his early forties.

3.Wolverines claws are bone, part of his skeleton and controlled buy his mutant powers. The indestructible element adamantium bonded to his bones enhances the claws tensile strength.

4. Wolverine is infact highly intelligent, but when angered can fall victim to wild berserker rages, over which he has no control.

5. As a young boy, James Howlett had a friend Rose whom he later fell inlove with. In a bizarre tragic twist of fate, Rose ended up dying in his arms, accidentally impaled on Wolverine's deadly claws.

i know what your thinking.. why is grown up man like me so crazy about this comic book hero.. well, i dont want to elaborate further.. its simple, i simply dont want to grow old yet so i keep stuck with my childhood.. it somehow keeps me young heart and mind ..coz i dont have the power to delay aging and regenerate..(which i wish i could, hahaha! *wink*)

"pal, i got not time for your self-righteous bull!" -Wolverine to Captain America

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