Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Was Born Intelligent, But Education Ruined Me

Cant sleep, been staring blank at my laptop's monitor after having added some wonderful friends over at Facebook. And speaking of which, i posted a shout out about 2 hours ago..a shout same as the title of this entry. Of course some FB friends liked it and some commented, agreed, some negative reaction and for the sake of not flooding my mail thru never-ending threads over discussions, i deleted all comments and decided to blog about it since most of them were asking who made the famous abovementioned saying. Was it the saying of any famous people like Winston Churchill, Amelia Earheart, Manny Paquiao(?!) etc.. or its just said by someone anonymous, for the sake of amusement?

As always, in my quest to share lame-pathetic but rather entertaining one-liners to y'all, here's a simple answer from my ever reliable "facebook-shoutout-guide-for dummies."

-It's a contrivance from an Albert Einstein quote: "the only thing interfering with my learning is my education"

Both phrases mean this:
You don't get smart from school, quite the contrary. School deteriorates your intelligence with it's disorganization and varying patterns. It diminishes your potential with subjective things such as essays that a teacher can mark you down for if they simply dont like you, not based on your merit. In this way, we are held captive by the pen, and belittled by it.

Nuff' said.. Now sleepy, i stay up so late that i have my morning coffee before i go to bed.. *yawns* gonna hit the sack now peeps, I bid y'all 'gnite (or mornin') with love and peace :D

*lights out*

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