Monday, June 7, 2010

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Over The iPhone4

I usually put disclaimer below or after my entries but today i'm putting it upfront. it is not my intention to smash out Apple or the iPhone, the following lines are based mainly on my personal opinion, so if you are an iPhone fan and will try to hit me here with bull, close this tab and discontinue reading this.

Some of my friends posted their WWDC iPhone4 link today at Facebook and now that we know all about the iPhone 4 I would have to say this checklist shows exactly why I am planning to skip this version of the iPhone and stick with my old Blackberry Bold 9700..hehe (mainly for the other reason that i dont have the bucks and resource to buy myself one at this time) But in the quest of making this blog entry more interesting, i have come across with yet another innovative and state of the art smartphone that my good friend and Robert Curay is using, the HTC Evo4. coz i was so amazed, believe you me.. with the way good 'ol Stevie was marketing it on stage at WWDC (i had a few good laughs though watching his video with his funny segways) I ping'ed my friend over Blackberry Messenger and we exchanged views about it. The HTC EVO 4G, available for the time being in the US, has everything on iPhone4's list and more already up and running. It looks like the pace of Google has brought Android into the lead with Apple for innovation and excitement in the mobile space.

Looking at iPone4’s list I would have to say that the most appealing features in the HTC EVO 4G over the iPhone 4 are the no limit multi-tasking, OTA updates, free navigation, Google Voice support, and WiFi mobile hotspot functionality. I would also add that Google leads the iPhone OS in the notifications system, multiple carrier support, customizable home screens, and removable battery. I do think Apple has a great OS though and think the long reported battery life, incredible display technology, better capacitive QWERTY keyboard performance, and better gaming support (6 axis motion looks slick) are compelling features of the new iPhone. As with any mobile phone, it is a personal preference that each of us has to make since one device doesn’t fit everyone’s needs and desires. Given the chance, "i might" want to try out the HTC Evo4, if my finances permits me, *sighs*..yes Todd, im broke at the moment, so what sucker?!

Apple is really pushing their marketing strat and the ads do look slick and are very appealing for consumers.

My friend and i strongly agreed that iPhone4's Face Time app and functionality was a bit lame though with support only for iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 devices both connected over WiFi. With Fring you can call from your Blackberry, Android or Symbian phone to or from a regular computer running Skype and make these calls over the cellular or Wi-Fi networks..see? whats so new about Face Time App, video calling and not to mention the led light flash beside the camera at the back?

The iPhone will continue to do well, but to really hit it out of the ballpark, I still think Apple needs to extend more on creating and innovating new tech for their device to roll out..not just changing the looks and structure coz i think everybody already does that, not just creating new cool-tech-savvy terms and names for their apps. Maybe i will try it in 2011 or 2012 when my Starhub contract with my BB runs out :)

But hey, be happy. There's healthy competition: these bums sucks us like fleece at every turn, we should get something good for our money. Peace out to y'all .. :D

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