Monday, May 31, 2010

I Like Boy Abunda In "The Buzz" .. But Not In Government, For Crying Out Loud!

I'm beginning to believe that his "Pycho Exam" issue is all true after watching an interview with president-apparent Noynoy Aquino via TFC, i immediately turn my laptop on and tell myself, i must blog this!

He disclosed that he was considering giving Boy Abunda a government post, possibly as Cabinet Secretary or a lower post.

Aquino pointed out that Abunda, a product of Ateneo, has a master's degree in international relations, which could be used to market the Philippines.

"From a marketing perspective...things that you would want to market the Philippines," he told reporters in an interview at his residence in Quezon City.

Asked if he would give a rank of Secretary to Abunda, Aquino said, "That's possible or lower, USEC or ASEC also (undersecretary o assistant secretary) also."

Asked again why he would like the TV host in his government, Aquino said, "Totoong kausap yan. Walang agenda other than what he will publicly say. Tapos pwedeng pagkatiwalaan ng buo (He’s sincere. He has no agenda other than what he will publicly say. And you can trust him completely).”

But Aquino sees one problem in getting the services of Abunda – the compensation
in government.

He said the pay is too small compared to what the TV host is earning now.

"Ang problema dun (the problem is), how much does Boy Abunda make a week? How much is his salary in a year in government? Tapos pag cabinet position, he has to divest pa (in a cabinet position, he still has to divest)," Aquino pointed out, explaining that in a cabinet post, Abunda would have to divest some of his properties and be criticized.

..whoa! what I though was once a joke might just be a reality... Sige go! What else is new? All the more I wanna leave my country give the chance.

For what? Depatment of Gay Affairs maybe?

Why not? Go for broke.. What is there to lose nga naman if all is lost? ( of course I am exaggerating due to intense frustration with the Filipino people ). So I guess every Tomas, Pedro and Juan with a masters degree now qualifies to serve a high position in the government. This is essentially why I do not want to read or watch the news. My faith in my people ebbs.


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