Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Danse Macabre

Cha-cha, the hottest topic in the landscape of Philippine news, is once again in the headlines. Forget about the death toll of typhoon victims in the region, forget about the investigation and future of the Maguindanao Massacre Case, because as our congress lower house representatives would have it: Changing the constitution is the answer-all, cure-all solution from heaven that will solve all the ailment of the country. That’s how our tough-nut-to-crack politiko's want us to believe, or lure us into, depending on the way you see it.

For all the promise of a brighter tomorrow once the constitution is replaced, I recall the enthusiasm among our politicians who approved the Oil Deregulations Act, they envisioned the days upon deregulation that petroleum producers would compete at the benefit of the consumers, including themselves, only to lobby in congress sooner or later against that law, because the law backfired and bit their politically-savvy asses.

For the unstupid, of course we see more than the abolition of senate (that’s the real reason senators have aversion against it, the fear of obsoleteness); we see beyond the shameless clamor to stay in power, and see that our politicians are up to what they do best in the Philippines: do smack a big pile of feces on every Juan dela Cruz’s face and the common tao should be grateful for it! This is power! A vulgar one at that, and it’s so pathetic.

Do I suggest civil war? Do I propose grand civil disobedience? I say let’s take a far better step and… Pardon me for I have to restrain myself, I would very much like to say that we burn these shameless politicians at the stake… Unless we transcend individually, until we can have a vision beyond the material wants, until we all have firm principles for what’s right, what’s good for all, until we learn to share what we have with others, until we learn to have self-reliance we are all dispensable chess pieces manipulated by the self-serving, power-hungry politicians who think and work for nothing but themselves. Freedom after all is about self-governance.

Rest assured, i'm still not voting this coming election..

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