Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Do and Make Us Proud Pinoys!

yes! being a Filipino myself i feel that that i gotta share and hand it down to our extremely awesome "kabayans" who dominated the 5th International Skimboarding Competition held in Penang, Malaysia last July 18, 2011.

Im talking about The Philippine Skimboarding Team whom side by side with Alon Skimboarding crew whipped and showed that Filipino's "have what it takes" to win and rule over Skimboarding recieving wows and cheers from international audiences! These pinoy skimboard warriors dominated the competition bagging pride and glory for The Philippines and Filipino's all over the world:

Champion: Arjun Jimenez
2nd place: Brando Espada
3rd place: Obet Yanuario

Wahines Division:

Champion: Arlene Grace Nonato
2nd place: Antonette Bombase
3rd place: Ian Olmedo

i do hope and wish that by winning these international competitions; will open up more opportunities and gain more local support to make this sport grow more so that we can show the world that were not just a struggling third world country but a home ground for top-class competitive Skimboarders.
thank you! in behalf of all the Filipino's here in Singapore: Philippine Skimboarding Team and Alon Skimboard Crew (i wish i could name you all and put all your photos here; but heck, you guys&gals**and that incredibly talented 4year old skimerboy** did one hell kind of a damn good job back there!) you guys rock! Mabuhay kayo, saludo kami.. Godspeed and more power!

credits to my good friend and long time buddy, Jayson Ramirez for the images; allowing permission to post & cross process

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In Dios I Trust

When we read "be careful who you trust" it applies to relationships and life in general. It is your boss, your colleague, the doctor, the lawyer, your friends, your family, and whatever else you want to insert into that blank. It also includes trusting ourselves.

We are all guilty of thinking we believe or feel a certain way about something. Until of course we get to be tested and placed into the actual situation. We assume that because we have never believed in it or that we were taught not to do it; that we never will. This is where we mislead ourselves. It is an example of where we have trusted ourselves too much.

We put our trust in the hands of others until given reason not to. We trust ourselves to navigate our lives until we hit the rocks. We go through lesson after lesson to discover the same results; God is the only one we can trust.

There are a lot of people who do not believe in Him, and that is their choice. It saddens me to think that cultures and religions have caused the thought of us all having a “maker” to be repulsive for some. Unfortunately, that is just how it is.

I can say for certain that no matter how dark the days, how heavy the load, or how long the travels; He was right beside me. I don’t read the holy bible every day. I do not attend church regularly. However, I still believe. I still talk to Him, and He still hears me. Believe it or not, He answers my prayers too! It may not always be in the ways one would expect, but they will always get answered. Remember that "God's delay's aren't always God's denials." We just have to put our trust in Him.

He hears me when I’m smoking a cigarette and He would hear me if I drank a beer. He accepts me, and I trust Him. Perhaps we should all trust Him a little more?

Dios - Spanish for God

Monday, July 4, 2011

I'am Thankful

I am Thankful for my Job
I have so much to be thankful; a wonderful family, good health, few good friends and a career. But, this year I have something else to be thankful for; a great job. I’m not just employed and bringing home a paycheck; I have the best job of my career and I am very thankful for that.. considering I'm starting all over from zero again. I enjoy coming to work and I like the people I work with. Which for me is the best part.

Do What You Love
There is a constant debate on the blogs about whether people should do what they love or pursue a career with high earning potential. I’m very fortunate to do what I love and also get paid. Being in the Food and Beverage Industry and Service Line isn’t for everyone. It can be very stressful and you constantly have to keep up with new challenges. Busy days like Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights, manpower shortage, rowdy and complaining customers..all that jazz! But, I chose to work in this industry and I’m happy with the choice I made.

Good & Bad Jobs

One of the reasons I love my job is because I’ve had some really bad jobs in the past. So, I really appreciate working in a nice, cool,hip place; having benefits and having a weekend off. Some of the people I have worked with have never had to labor or work for low wages and they don’t appreciate just how good they have it.

Good & Bad Employers
Another thing I have experienced is the difference between good and bad employers. I won’t go into any lengthy definition; most people have worked for both and know the difference. I quit a couple of jobs that mistreated me as an employee and it’s very empowering. Hanging around and hoping it will get better or taking one for the team is just the opposite. I’m at the point in my career where I recognize soul-sucking employers and I quickly move on. I also appreciate a good employer and treat them with out most respect and loyalty.

Complaining at Work

There was a great post and comment thread over at Invest it Wisely about Pet Peeves. As I started writing this post I realized one of my biggest pet peeves is people who complain about their jobs. Right now, I know people would kill for a good job. Meanwhile, others have great jobs and spend their entire day complaining about them. Complaining is unproductive, unprofessional and dis-empowering. Promotions and opportunities are lost for employees who complain about their company. Positive and successful people avoid others who are negative. Complaining can become an expensive habit.

Making your Own Paycheck
Some people are born entrepreneurs and they would never be happy working for someone else. One day, I would love to be self-employed and not answer to anyone. But, it’s not easy to give up a job with such good colleagues and superiors. So, I will continue to appreciate and do well my current job; even as I dream of one day being the master of my own destiny.

The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that a job is more than just a paycheck, it’s an opportunity. And, the most important part of any opportunity is what people make of it. The most humble of professions can be the start of a bright future.

“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”
- my late Grandfather; Mr. Fausto Reyes Flores

Have a nice week ahead y'all! :D