Saturday, September 11, 2010

Have A Heart For Pakistan

Yes. Those babies are lying on concrete.
Yes. That bottle is empty.
Yes. Those are fliess swarming their little bodies.
Yes. This is the condition of Pakistan, at the moment.

A couple of weeks have gone by since the floods in Pakistan have flowed and the number of people effected by this are staggering & record breaking.


That is MORE THAN THE COMBINED TOTAL of the 2004 Tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and the American Katrina disaster.

How many of you knew about this? It’s a shame at the extreme lack of coverage on this horrific disaster. Pakistan is getting MINIMAL help.

Ignorance never ends, a recent poll was taken in America on whether if they would donate or have donated to Pakistan or not. 67% DO NOT wish or want to help Pakistan. 67%.

And as for the donations that are being sent… 60% of aid needed now, has not been delivered. Who has them & why haven’t they reached the public?

Few months back, i posted and entry of my dismay of Islam (Muslim hardcore-extremists in particular)


I'm posting a different entry this time. I can not fathom the words…believe you me and i sh*t you not, tears are flowing out of my eyes while I'm typing this with the amount of hurt I am feeling.

No one is helping those poor people in Pakistan. I was inspired to write this as i have good-Pakistani friends here in Singapore and to a humanitarian point of view i think its my on little way of helping out and letting people know about their situation. What I’m trying to say is, Please…take note of this. These people are innocent and now they are homeless and sick. Children are dying quickly due to the lack of care. People have drowned, crops are ruined..animals are dead & homes are gone.

This picture breaks my heart..I want you all to look at this picture. What do you see?

Do you see terrorists? Do you see future killers? Do you see another plot against America? Do you see that in those flies that can possibly and most likely have left diseases such as diarrihea? Do you see harm in that empty bottle? Extremists are the ones to blame, not Muslims. Why should they be left hopeless? They didn’t do anything..

And as for the Qu’ran burning this weekend in Florida, the thought of that saddens me. Do you all understand the severity and ignorance of that act? Why isn’t anyone stopping them? Their religion, their faith didn’t hurt you. EXTREMISTS DID! They are NOT religious. Their faith like yours and mine is NOT a cult.

I don’t know what to do. I honestly don’t know. I’ve never felt this helpless. No one is helping, no one cares. F**k neither do my own best friends know much about this.
Just look at this picture and think about what you’ve just read.

Help. Please.

If you can…I’m not asking for a sh*tload of cash. But please, try to donate. Donating to UNICEF will send aid to children. Donate to the Red Cross & the UN Foundation. I trust the most in these three foundations, they’ve actually managed to send and successfully help the victims.

And here we are, busy browsing and putting shout-out's and photos over social networking sites, worried about paying monthly dues and bills, some of us lavish in extravagant lifestyle. One-fifth of the country is under water; 20 million+ people are homeless. All I ask if for you to help a little and spread awareness.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sorry, I Just Defriended You

Holah, shinny happy people! it's been a while, ya? cant sleep, so what to do? .. blog-lah! i just spent 4 hours Facebook'ing after coming back from work trying to make myself fall asleep and have some much needed rest.. and mind you, i deleted some not-so-familiar folks there.

I have 7 reasons why you may need to defriend someone on Facebook:

Like Twitter, Facebook is a great social networking tool. And like Twitter, it can also be used for evil — way too many people spam our news feeds every day with bullsh*t about Farmville and photos of their vacations that we really don’t want to see. Defriending someone on Facebook is a measure of last resort, but here are some reasons you might have to go there.

1. They’re spamming your phone

Like many Facebook users, I like to check my account via phone when I’m bored. And while it’s easy to block peoples’ statuses from your news feed, the Blackberry or iPhone Facebook application won’t let you. The mobile app also has a tendency to show the same dumb Mafia and Farmville spam over and over again, taking up the entire application and rendering your news feed useless. So if someone’s playing those games and your phone is the victim, feel free to defriend them.

2. They keep commenting on your posts

We all make Facebook statuses to get comments and reactions. But it’s hard to get other peoples’ thoughts when you have one Facebook friend who’s always the first person to comment on your statuses no matter what. You try to post updates at different times of day, but he always gets there first — it’s like he never logs out. If you just can’t get him to stop, you gotta defriend.

3. They keep commenting on OTHER peoples’ posts

Let’s say this girl just posted on your wall to say hey. Let’s say you’re psyched about that. Let’s say one of your douchebag Facebook friends comments on her wall post saying “hey dude, is this the girl you were telling me about?” Defriend, defriend, defriend.

4. They’re strangers

“Oh, cool, Pedro or Juan just got a new car and he’s really happy that it’s Friday… hold on a second, who the f*ck is Pedro/Juan?” When you find yourself wondering how you know somebody or if you really know them at all, it’s time to defriend.

5. They keep sending you event invites

It’s one thing if you have a cool party or show or performance that you want people to come check out. If you want to organize a special event, then by all means, invite people on Facebook. But when you have a radio show that goes on every single week at the same exact time and you keep sending me weekly invitations, you are going to get defriended. No hard feelings.

6. Their statuses show a whole new side to them

Well, I thought I liked you until your Facebook status said you were going to go see “Benigno” next weekend. Or you shared way too much information about your boy problems and now I can’t ever look at you the same way without thinking about that one thing he did with the ice cream and his finger. Sorry, but we’re not friends anymore.

7. They pretended that you were dead

When your friends get together and conspire to post messages like “R.I.P. we miss you man” or “We’re sure you’re looking down on us from heaven right now” or “Every time I see a child cry I think of you,” it might be time to get rid of those friends. Especially if someone just called your mom to send condolences.

oh well, im hitting the sack now.. its past 6am.. damn!