Monday, December 21, 2009

Pleasure Is Desire Fulfilled

im not too good in food blogging though i love eating..
went down Mang Kiko's Letchon in Lau Pa Sat and had this incredible chunk of chopped "roasted pork liempo" ... oh so divine!

yours truly devouring good old home style chow in tropical island Singapore;

finished off my meal with an equally awesome rootbeer float from Wendy's

*oh Wendy, nice to have you here in Singapore.. i wab yeeewww!

need i say more? ... BURP!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Farewell and Thanks (Harry's Int'l. Pte. Ltd.)

My Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do apologize to those who feel offended that I have left having composing only this farewell note, without personally shaking their hand and exchanging best wishes.

I have so many people to thank for their support and dedication that it is impossible to personally get to see you all with the short time that was available.

I truly am humbled to have worked with such a group of "get in and get it happening people" and I am so proud of the achievements that you have accomplished both in the operation and (for quite a lot of you) for your own personal accomplishments.

To Harry’s Group and the Team, the efforts and contributions have been outstanding. I have learnt so much from all of you and now possess a greater understanding of the difficulties that a work environment such as our encounters every day.

To those of you that I had the opportunity to work with, coach and or set goals for, I commend each of you for your achievements and hope that you continue to succeed through life journeys.

I could go on listing people and groups but in the end the message would still be: “I have truly enjoyed my time here and have been well supported with the work and outcomes we have achieved.”

I leave this company with great confidence in the people here, knowing that they are capable of overcoming any hurdles that will come up, singularly, and more importantly, together.
We have managed to assemble a very competent and practical group that provide excellent support to the management team. This provides me with a sense of pride and gratitude that is indescribable.

I am heading on to take a new role and will be bringing along with me the values, lessons and things that I learned here at Harry’s.

I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Year!

Again my sincerest thanks, regards and best wishes.

Rhodel Flores Dela Ysla (Nookie)
Assistant Manager
Harry's @ Fusionopolis
1 Fusionopolis Way
#01-01/02 Connexis
Singapore 138632
Tel : 6464-5215/16
Fax : 6467-9159
Mobile : 9445-2435
Email :
Website :

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

El Mes Español — La Comida Filipina Es También La Comida Española

Hispanophobes, true patriots of the Philippines, those who firmly believe that Spain didn’t do anything good to your country, do yourselves and your country a favor and STOP EATING SPANISH FOOD! That would be a very patriotic thing to do, dontcha' guys think?

First, start scrapping PAELLA from your family recipe. We all know that those bad old Spaniards brought it here in the Philippines and passed it on to our chefs. Now that’s a bad sign. If you hate your enemy, don’t eat what they eat. Or you’ll become like them.

Next Spanish food we have to dump is, sad to say, a classic Filipino favorite — ADOBO (from adobado), inspired by Spanish and Mexican dishes. Besides, Adobo irritably rhymes with Arroyo.

And don’t ever mention nor even dare think about that EMBUTIDO anymore. It’s so appalling that those Spanish missionaries would bring such phallic symbols to your innocent shores.

And the pigs, the pigs, the poor suckling pigs!!! Are they all destined to die before they even reach their second year? Those mean Spaniards taught your race to become heartless animal killers by teaching you the art of preparing LECHON DE LECHE. I mean, come on! If you already have laws against the murder of our canine friends, why can’t you do the same with pigs? Besides, them Muslims could be right after all: the Biblical devils could still be inside those oinkers. So I’d suggest that you convert to Islam also. At least, that would save you from Catholicism, another Spanish curse. Anyways, dont you have enough source of meat all around you? How about cows? What about goats? What about pythons and the chicken-flavored bayawaks? Besides, cows don’t give out a shrill scream when you butcher them. So stick to cows and,. to paraphrase John Lennon, ...give pigs a chance*ROTFL*

Not even MECHADO is saved. Unfortunately, dear Filipinos, it’s a Spanish loan-recipe. So out with it also. ¡El mechado debería ser echado! Out out OUT!!!

Throw away everything Spanish! If you’re too honorable not to bite the hand that feeds you, just throw everything away! ARROZCALDO, CHAMPORADO, AFRITADA, ASADO, PAN DE SAL, BIZCOCHO, out, you should say! ¡Afuera! Even Kare-Kare, Diningdéng, Sinigáng, Pinakbét, and Nilagà should be shown the kitchen door. Although they’re not Castilian, their ingredients –sampaloc, patatas, repollo, tomate, chayote, rábano, zanahoria, guisantes, etc.– they’re all brought here by the wicked Spanish to nourish the land and the inhabitants. Oh, how evil can that be!

Good thing you still have the Chinese who gave you… pancit…?

Gosh! Even pancit is Spanish! Dear, dear, DEAR!!!


PAN, bread (Spanish) + CHIT, to eat (Chinese) = PANCÍT

And the Spaniards show no mercy with their guyabano, melocotón, melón, sandía, piña, pepino… oh the cursed list goes on and on…

Those evil Spaniards are every where! Not even showing an ounce of respect to Filipino cuisine.

But Filipino cuisine is Spanish…

What the?! Even cucina is Spanish!

There is no escape.

Oh, well. Just raise the white flag. At least, we indio bravos can still go home in peace and plant kamote.

-GASP!- even "Camote" was imported by the Spaniards.

See? See? Now what do you hispanophobes feel? You feel hungry now, right? ¡Tenéis hambre! And so you are correct – the Spanish are out to make you hungry! Why, they never brought you tasty burgers and greasy fries like what the North Americans did. Did those greedy Spaniards give you the likes of McDonald’s and Burger King? Hell, no! These fastfood restaurants, aside from milking your pockets clean due to their products’ exorbitant prices –thus getting rid of your mind extra load– they will also give you extreme amounts of cholesterol in order for you to "MEET YOUR MAKER" the soonest possible time. And since your pockets are milked clean, then that means less headaches before you die! How benign, eh?

Darn, you guys need a break. Here, have some coff…

Oh, no…

What the heck! Just take one last look at these hypocritical Spanish-Filipino eatables.

Just be content with what you truly have: arroz.


Don’t falter! Throw away everything that has a taste of Spain, and you’ll never go hungry again.

beep again.

I dont even know why i'm writing this.. even my name is Spanish...*sighs*

Without Spanish, What Is A Filipino?

A PILIPINO is convincing a FILIPINO to become patriotic…

PILIPINO: We must get rid of Spanish words from our native languages!

FILIPINO: And why is that?

PILIPINO: “Why” is a stupid question. Haven’t you learned anything from your history class? It is but a folly to retain Spanish loan words in our languages when it was Spain who destroyed our identity!!!

FILIPINO: Oh. Really.

PILIPINO: Really!!! And not only that! We should not cherish any Spanish legacy at all! Aside from Spanish tyranny, Spanish culture is not Philippine culture!

FILIPINO: Does that mean we have to throw away the culture that Spain bequeathed to us?

PILIPINO: Yes, of course! Don’t you remember what Señor Simon told Basilio? “If they are unwilling to teach you their language, cultivate your own.” In a larger sense, we should cultivate our own culture.

FILIPINO: Hmmm, you have reason. So, throw everything away?

PILIPINO: EVERYTHING! The language, the culture, the concepts, the religious superstition… EVERYTHING!!! Our national heroes have already set an example by revolting against Spanish tyranny! Leadership by example! We should follow the great Filipinos of yore!

FILIPINO: Oh, OK. I might agree. But first, you have to begin this Castilian purging from our “culture” yourself. Just like what you said, “leadership by example…”

PILIPINO: Exactly. I’d be happy to take the lead. Now, what do you want me to do?

FILIPINO: First of all, take off your sombrero my friend. It’s Spanish.

PILIPINO: (stumped). That would be easy.

FILIPINO: And throw away that corbata, too. Of course you know it’s Spanish.

PILIPINO: (thinking) Well… I think I’d still look fine without a tie.

FILIPINO: And your passionate “nationalism” would look good on you if you take off your chaleco, camisa, vestido, zapatos, cinturón, and pantalón as well.

PILIPINO: Now wait a minute there…!

FILIPINO: No, you wait a minute there!!! You’re PILIPINIZATION is not yet reflecting on you. You’re still wearing a relój.

PILIPINO: Fool! This wrist watch is from the US, not from Spain.

FILIPINO: You’re the one who’s loco, ese. We’re not talking about brand names. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing La Coste or Tommy Hilfiger or whatever stuff that came out from another country that is not Spain. We’re not only talking about Spanish words now but concepts also. Before the arrival here of Rolex and Omega and Panerai's, Filipinos already have watches and large grandfather clocks. Of course you already know that.

PILIPINO: (hesitant) Oh, all right! (mumbles and grumbles, but throws watch away) There! Gone!

FILIPINO: You can always tell the time by just looking at the sun, moon, and the stars, right! That’s the true PILIPINO way! Cultivate our own!

PILIPINO: (sigh of exhaustion) Cultivate our own…

FILIPINO: Uh, sir. you still have your medias and calzoncillo on…

PILIPINO: (raising his voice) Are you mad?!

FILIPINO: Nope. But I think you are if you’re still donning Spanish concepts. Leadership by example?

PILIPINO: (groans)

FILIPINO: Don’t worry! You can always search our forests –or whatever the neocolonizers might have left of it– for tree barks and any natural material for your clothing. Now that’s true PILIPINO culture. Am I right? Or am I right?


FILIPINO: Good! Leadership by example.

PILIPINO: Leadership by example.

FILIPINO: Cultivate our own?

PILIPINO: Cultivate…

FILIPINO: (inspects PILIPINO) Say, you’ve got false teeth.

PILIPINO: (embarrased) Yeah, so what?

FILIPINO: Throw that postizo away, dude. That’s demeaning to our “true” culture. But let’s save your peluca just for this month’s Halloween party.


FILIPINO: Here, wear these in the meantime so you won’t grow cold (hands over strips of banana leaves for the PILIPINO to wear).

PILIPINO: Are you doing this to mortify me?

FILIPINO: How ’bout saying “thank you for giving me something to wear” instead?

PILIPINO: (grumpy) Thank You!!!

FILIPINO: You’re very much welcome. Now where were we? Oh, yes, and don’t use all utensils that the Spaniards brought here.


FILIPINO: OK. Let me make it clearer. “Throw everything away?” That’s perhaps the most patriotic idea I’ve ever heard in my life. Friend, dispose of your cubiertos, aparador, cama, silla, balde, pozo, lápiz, papel, plato, cepillo, florera, la mesa, ventilador, todo todo, TODO!

PILIPINO: Friend, I think you should…

FILIPINO: Go on? By all means. Don’t even think of continuing your educación. Those libros at school will poison your mind. Stop going to church, too. Remember how María Clara was screwed! And your ancestral home, man, your bahay na bató is getting to be an eyesore. Better demolish it.

PILIPINO: (panting) That house is my family’s house! It is the history and the soul of my family and ancestors!!!

FILIPINO: Which is, unforunately, español. Enough talk. I’m your convert, dude. You woke me up from the “bitter” truth. You make me proud! And without anything to wear now except for those leaves, sonuvagun, you look very fine! Very respectable! Very great when you’re naked, y’know. Very PILIPINO.

PILIPINO: Oh please stop…

FILIPINO: Indeed, without Spanish, our “true” identity will emerge. Thank you, friend, for this “awakening.”

And do i even have to mention about the food?

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Exorcism Of Nookie's Cat

this is just one of those rare moments when you caught your pet in un-presedented position..

was about to go to work today, i saw my cat Chi-Chi lying on my rooms doormat. i took out my phone and took this shot.

me and my creative mind decided to turn the photo upside down and here's the outcome;

"iz in ur ceiling, spookin' dem noobs."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where Have All the Tiger's Gone?

Tired of the Tiger Woods Story? Many are; its dominating the news, tabloids and certain allegedly golf-oriented websites. However, take heart -- there's a place where you won't find any Tiger Woods ... and it's not where you'd expect.

Bloomberg's Brett Pulley and Michael Buteau did a little digging into Nielsen's television records, and found an interesting statistic: advertisements featuring Tiger Woods have completely vanished from prime-time television since Woods' wreck.

Nielsen officials told Bloomberg that 15 different advertisements featuring Woods have appeared in prime time since June. The last one was a Gillette spot that aired Nov. 29, according to Bloomberg.

Prior to Woods' troubles, he was a phenomenally popular and easily recognizable celebrity; Bloomberg notes that 86 percent of U.S. consumers over the age of 6 recognized Woods. The vast majority of his $110 million in annual earnings comes from endorsements. So, yeah, there's a lot at stake here, not just for Woods but for entire companies banking on his image.

The lack of Woods ads isn't entirely surprising; with the golf season over, there's no need to pitch Woods' golf connections, and EA Sports doesn't have a new Tiger Woods game on the horizon. So what we're left with is ads that promote the mystique of Tiger Woods -- cool under pressure, domination, excellence beyond compare. You can imagine what the reaction would be should any of those kinds of ads hit the airwaves right about now.

Still, Tiger's many endorsement deals trade heavily -- even primarily -- on his image, and that image has taken battleship-hull-busting hits in the last two weeks. Already, one sponsor -- the Pac-10 -- has yanked a Woods-involved ad specifically because of the current problems. Are there more to follow?

When Tiger does return to the airwaves -- and eventually, he will -- it's likely to be in a very different context than before. Let's run down some of the most famous Tiger-based ad campaigns, and consider how they may or may not hold up in light of current events.

Nike: "I am Tiger Woods."
The classic slogan, and one which I don't foresee many people repeating any time soon.

Accenture: "Go on. Be a Tiger." Considering the havoc this story has wreaked on Tiger and his family, I don't think there's anybody who wants to be a Tiger these days.

Tag Heuer watches: "What are you made of?"
Probably the least problematic of the slogans, but any kind of speculation of what goes on inside Tiger's head is now pretty much out.

Gillette: "The best a man can get." Let's not be too snarky here, and just say that every man ought to think that "the best he can get" is his wife, if he knows what's good for him.

NetJets: No tag line, but considering the globetrotting allegations getting leveled against Woods, there's plenty of room for interpretation. Then again, if you've got a jet for your personal use, you're probably not overly concerned with Tiger's image.

Gatorade Tiger: "Is it in you?" I probably don't need to tell you why this won't work any more, do I?

So, unfortunately for Tiger fans, it looks like ads that invite you to be like Mr. Woods are dead and gone. I'd imagine that ads featuring Tiger aren't going to have any tag lines for the foreseeable future. Which means that whimsical, goofy ads like this one are also probably gone:

oh, and by the way.. i dont like golf neither Tiger Woods anyway *wink*

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Judas The Armadillo

I think this is how “The Betrayal” actually happened.

"Judas to Jesus: I’m forming a heavy metal band. I’ll let you do drums. Come on, what do you say? I’m not really gay, but I’m so sincere I’m kissing you."

When evening came and all the primetime-teleserye's were over, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve. They talked about why Meagan Fox was simply the sexiest girl on Earth, and how Mikey Arroyo sometimes reminded James of a nasty baboon he once saw on National Geographic and Animal Planet.

And while they were eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me.”

They were very sad and began to say to him one after the other, “Surely not I, Lord?”

Jesus replied, “The one who will dip his hand into the bowl with me will betray me.”

At that time, Judas was not listening; he was so busy prying off his dentures that got stuck in the ham that he was startled when he dipped his hand into the bowl and felt that somebody’s hand was also there.

It was Jesus’ hand.

Jesus and Judas looked at each other.

And Judas said, “Is it I, my Lord?”

“Is it I my Lord?” Jesus said, mimicking Judas. “Is it I, my Lord?”

“But that was an accident,” Judas stammered. “I didn’t hear you.”

All the disciples stared at Judas.

“So now I am the villain, eh?” Judas said. “So what if my opinion has always been different from yours? Look, guys, if we’re gonna say the same thing, why in hell do we have to speak at all? Why don’t we just stare at one another and admire one another’s butts?”

James said, “Dude, you can’t do that to the Son of Man.”

“Yeah,” John seconded. “I thought only Dinky Soliman could do that. And now, we have you. Now, God will punish you and transform you into a Chinese spotted swine.”

But Judas didn’t become a Chinese spotted swine; in an instant, he transformed into an armadillo.

The other disciples were so astonished.

Bartholomew said, “Cool!”

James said, “I’m sick and tired of eating bread my whole life. Don’t you guys think this thing will taste good when roasted?”

“Yeah,” James said, “let’s stick it up on a spit and roast it over the coals. Like what folks do in the Philippines.”

“Do they have armadillos in the Philippines?” Bartholomew asked.

“No, but they have Donya Dionisia Pacquiao and Bibi Gandanghari. I think that’s worse.”

But as they spoke, Judas the armadillo rolled up into a ball and went crashing out the door. He rolled and rolled until he found himself in the temple. Once in the temple, he became a dude again.

Judas ran to the first priest he saw and screamed like a girl.

And the priest asked, “And who did you say tried to eat you?”

“Jesus Christ!”

“Aw, come on. Try another one.”

“No, I’m serious. Jesus and my friends tried to eat me. They thought I was an armadillo.”

The priest laughed. “Yeah, I watched this Monty Python film once. They had this Roman general named Biggus Dickus. That was funny, too.”

“No, no, no!” Judas panicked. “I’m telling the truth. Look, if you don’t believe me, I’ll lead you to them. They’re going to a beer garden called Gethsemane.”


“And I’ll kiss the one who tried to eat me.”

“And why would you do that?”

Judas was stumped. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s written somewhere that I should kiss him.”

“Okay. I have this feeling this information is not free, is it?”

Judas stared at the priest, his eyes gleaming. He said with a Dr. Evil gleam in his eyes, “You have to pay me thirty. Billion. Fifillion. Zizillion. Silver. Pieces.”

The priest laughed. “Are you crazy? Guards, get this piece of shit out of here before I have him guillotined.”

“But, Sir,” Judas said, “the guillotine hasn’t yet been invented.”

“Okay. What’s your point?”

“Well, you can’t guillotine me if nobody yet knows what a guillotine is.”

The priest pondered it and said, “Tell me about the electric chair.”

“Sure, sure,” Judas said impatiently. “But pay me first.”

Again, the priest laughed.

“Five billion,” Judas said.

The priest shook his head.

“One billion?” Judas said.

The priest was rolling on the floor in laughter. One of the guards said, “This guy’s so hilarious. He’s even funnier than Teddy Casino and his friends hiding inside the Batasan Complex.”

“Yeah,” another guard said. “or that bunch of buffoons who call themselves the Black Friday Movement. Really funny.”

When the laughter dissipated, the priest said, “Dude, we won’t give you any. Not one, not ten billion silver. But….”

“But what?”

“But if you can really kiss this guy like you say you would, I’ll give you something. Maybe a bag of peanuts.”

Judas thought it over, realized it was fair enough, and whispered, “I have a little problem. I’m willing to accept the peanuts, but can we keep it secret? Like don’t tell anybody?”

“Sure,” the priest said.

“And can you mention in your Jewish newsletter that what you gave me were silver coins?”

The priest thought about it, nodded, and said, “You know what, I like you.”

Judas grinned. “I like you, too.”

“I’m not really a full-time priest. I sing and do guitars at a local pub. Maybe we should form a band.”

Judas became excited. “Cool. Let’s call it Judas and Priest.”

The priest said, “Why not Judas Priest?”


And so Judas left the temple with his bag of peanuts. After the Gethsemane incident, the duo formed a heavy metal band in 1970, and went on to become what junkies call “The Metal Gods.”

Now, that’s funny.

Which One Is Stupid: Islam or the Muslims?

I don’t mean to be rude, but I am really rude at most times..and i dont usually write long blog entries like this one,.. so here it goes…

In regards to Muslim outbursts of rage in reference to Pope Benedict XVI’s controversial speech three years ago, that's fueling feud up to this day. i came across with it last night as i was watching this news trivia channel on cable. it makes me wonder whether these Mohammedans are either plain stupid or are just downright warmongers.

I even have a suspicion that they’re both. And not a few will agree. And I’m not even counting that my notions are mistaken. Why, I don’t even feel sorry about it!

Hmmm, I’m getting pretty confident that I really am rude!

(¡Oye, Pepe mi hombre! Cuidado: este tema y esa historieta o caricatura no están bien. Están controversial. ¡Podrías poner en peligro tu vida!)

Really? So it’s you again. Just chill out, compadre. I’m no bigshot, so this post will simply be ignored by Al-Qaeda — or their local Singapore counterpart nor the bacon-hatin', media hungry Jema'ah Islamiah Terrorist Fluke.

Naaah. Actually, I’m not betting on it (hehehe). But I assure you that they’d leave me alone (gulp?). Instead, I’d be hunted down by Protestant fanatics and WASPs in due time.

Heck, No doubt about it — I’M ABSITIVELY, POSOLUTELY RUDE!

Anyway, just shut the freak up for a while and leave this alone to me, ¿claro?


That’s my boy! Just leave it to me, awright? I’m in good hands. I won’t even disclose that these kebab-smelling terrorist gangstas can reach me in … ooops!

Man, I feel quirky just by talking to this jabroni.

(¿Qué, ese?). Nothing. Anyway, allow me to continue this corniness…

The Pope just quoted 14th-century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos about the latter’s opinion on a particular Islamic philosophy. The Emperor’s statement could have had an obvious lack of deference towards Islam, but it’s certainly NOT from the Pope. Nevertheless, the Islamic community overlooked this glaring fact. And then, boom! goes the ever reliable dynamite.

Thereupon the plot thickens; all things Christian are now under attack from Islamic rage. And jihad could even be lurking in the corner (Oh, dear! Look at me: I’m shaking with fear!).


The Vatican since then has already released apology statements, saying that the Pope has inadvertently offended “the sensibility of Muslims.” But Islamic leaders throughout the world are into Depeche Mode these days: they just can’t get enough. They’ve been clamoring for a more sincere apology from the Pope, whatever that is.

But couldn’t they get it through their thick skulls that what they deemed “offensive” was just a quotation that’s not even from the Pope? Just read between the lines of the speech, good ol’ polygamists – there is not a single indication of any offensive remark against Islam. Maybe the Pope’s speech, which was read in his native language, didn’t translate too well with you. But that’s no longer Pope Benedict’s fault (a sincerely friendly advice: understand thoroughly first before you rant, will ya?).

It’s not sad but disheartening that the Muslim’s failed to understand a speech that could have certainly opened up more positive dialogues and constructive debates between Islamic and Christian beliefs. Or worse, the Muslim community didn’t want to understand.

Since I’m in a rude mood, let me be sharply frank that what happened in this controversy is that the ”offended” party (ugh!) got more sensibilities than sense. Pardon me, but I believe it’s the truth.

I believe that this controversial speech must be the moment that these “men who submitted to God’s will” have been waiting for all along. In my not-so-humble opinion (I’m rude, remember?), they’ve been waiting for a “Christian slip” all these years, and that papal speech delivered on September 12, 2006 was the exact moment they’ve been waiting for. Yes, they’ve been waiting for some scapegoat as justification for an imminent aggression towards the Vatican. Therefore, the world will not blame them if they’d declare an ultimate jihad against Christianity.

Now if they’d say that they’re not referring to the Byzantine quote but to the “subtle message” within the speech — that the message the Pope really wanted to convey is to actually discredit Islam’s methods of converting non-believers – then that will make them sound more stupider than I thought…

Ex-deputy Mahmoud Ashour of Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo said that an apology from the Pope five days after his speech was insufficient. He added that the Pope should (AND I FREAKIN’ QUOTE THIS,.. Y’HEAR?) ”apologize because he insulted the beliefs of Islam.”

The weight of the papal speech is not only about the relationship among faith, reason, and universitas. It also tackles on the non-compulsion in religion. According to Sura 2, 256 of the Qur’an, “there is no compulsion in religion.” This reminded me of those Fox News broadcast journalists who were kidnapped years ago by Islamic militants who then converted them to the “religion of peace,” at gunpoint. No compulsion, eh?

¡Caramba! Is this what made you mad about the Pope’s speech, Mohammedans? That you think the Pope made sarcastic remarks about the way you convert “recruits” by disobeying your Qur’an for the sake of numbers? If that’s what it is all about, if that’s one Islamic belief that you think were disrespected by the Pope, then you guys are despicably unfair.

During my silly search for the true religion years ago, I almost converted to Islam. With what’s happening right now, I’m very happy and proud that I didn’t convert.

DISCLAIMER: Articles written by rude people should be taken lightly, especially by those who, by their actions, don’t mean to be RUDE but are just following their time-honored, non-compulsory beliefs according to what they believe is right.

As-Salamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatuh.

Danse Macabre

Cha-cha, the hottest topic in the landscape of Philippine news, is once again in the headlines. Forget about the death toll of typhoon victims in the region, forget about the investigation and future of the Maguindanao Massacre Case, because as our congress lower house representatives would have it: Changing the constitution is the answer-all, cure-all solution from heaven that will solve all the ailment of the country. That’s how our tough-nut-to-crack politiko's want us to believe, or lure us into, depending on the way you see it.

For all the promise of a brighter tomorrow once the constitution is replaced, I recall the enthusiasm among our politicians who approved the Oil Deregulations Act, they envisioned the days upon deregulation that petroleum producers would compete at the benefit of the consumers, including themselves, only to lobby in congress sooner or later against that law, because the law backfired and bit their politically-savvy asses.

For the unstupid, of course we see more than the abolition of senate (that’s the real reason senators have aversion against it, the fear of obsoleteness); we see beyond the shameless clamor to stay in power, and see that our politicians are up to what they do best in the Philippines: do smack a big pile of feces on every Juan dela Cruz’s face and the common tao should be grateful for it! This is power! A vulgar one at that, and it’s so pathetic.

Do I suggest civil war? Do I propose grand civil disobedience? I say let’s take a far better step and… Pardon me for I have to restrain myself, I would very much like to say that we burn these shameless politicians at the stake… Unless we transcend individually, until we can have a vision beyond the material wants, until we all have firm principles for what’s right, what’s good for all, until we learn to share what we have with others, until we learn to have self-reliance we are all dispensable chess pieces manipulated by the self-serving, power-hungry politicians who think and work for nothing but themselves. Freedom after all is about self-governance.

Rest assured, i'm still not voting this coming election..

It May Be A Few Months Ahead.. But Heck, Its The Thought That Counts ... Aint It?