Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Incredible Journey Of Andy Leong Fook Tin

It's been two weeks now since we moved-in to our new house and I was supposed to write this entry earlier after that. I feel that y'all; my good friends and anyone who will read this would have a new outlook in life as how this beautiful human being affected mine.

Who is Andy Leong Fook Tin? I barely know him as he was just another random stranger, a local Singaporean driver introduced to me by our good friend and kumare' Rose Dizon Marinas to drive the lorry service for us moving and shifting our things. I was able to meet Andy after exchanging few calls. Now, I don’t know if any of you have ever felt a sudden connection with someone whether you’ve never met them or just met them (& mind you, it isn’t necessary that they feel the same), but that’s how I felt when I met Andy last October 01, 2011. He was like a human fireplace exuding light, warmth, comfort, & that external spark that you know only comes from an inner blaze. I was then with my bro Vincent,and he was kind enough to share his story during our journey to and from our old place to the new one.

During our conversation, Andy openly shared that he was diagnosed with & had been suffering from Stage 4 cancer. I don’t need to go into the details of that ailment because I’m sure y'all understand what it’s about. Now, I’ve unfortunately had many people in my life been affected and taken away by cancer, but NEVER in my life had I come across a human being with such positivity & strength in the face of it. Andy, is someone who, though I don’t know personally; has made me see the world differently. I am a born pessimist. Half empty half full person. I’ve tried to change my outlook numerous times, but who knew that a man I had only met once would be the one to help me to actually do it? At 61, he still drives and works tirelessly for a living and to support his medical needs 7 days a week and in between chemotheraphy sessions (he even joked that he'd be happy if no one calls him for his driving service as he would consider it his day-off) He face everyday with positivity not minding his situation without any trace of regret and desperation. His strength of will, dignified character, inner & outer beauty, grace, & MOST OF ALL; his UNBELIEVABLE sense of humor about his life & his journey made me realize that "you can handle anything that comes your way with a laugh & a sense of contentment with who you are as a person." Not only did/does he glow from within, he shone a light on many other individuals especially his wife (a Filipina) and two sons, whose support for him came completely from the heart.

To illustrate how it affected me, a very close friend of mine (Warren Mina) passed away almost a year ago after suffering from cancer. He was the most proud, funny, intelligent, strong, responsible, most kind-hearted man I’ve ever met. He was full of class & revered, respected by anyone who knew him within our circle of friends & in his family. Like Andy, he was determined to live and had survived the final days of his life with grace. The stark contrast between my good friend's state of mind & Andy’s propelled me to do whatever I could to support him further, whether it be by random tweets and Facebook posts and blogs like this. I realized that his attitude was partially responsible for saving his life & I wanted to make sure that I could do whatever else remained to help with that process.

I’d like to say in closing that; I found an inspiration in Andy that I never knew I was missing. He ignited a passion in me for service that was always there simmering beneath the surface but needed to be brought to action. Andy is someone to look up to & admire for the way he lives his life; "LIVES" being the key word. For Andy, though I’m sure he has his days & validly so; he grabs life by the balls & makes sure to get all of the glory out of it..a trait that very few of us possess. To Andy, if you're reading this; you are “incredible” & have made a lasting impact on MY life. You make the people around you feel like they’re special (in the good way, lol) & as though life is full of the shine of sparkles & rainbows, the cuddliness of puppies & babies, the warmth of Christmas, the fireworks during new year & the promise and hope of a fulfilled, energetic, brilliant life. I am proud, honored and so grateful to have met you. "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!":)


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