Friday, December 3, 2010

Feel Like Giving Up?

Do you ever feel like giving up? Giving up on your goals, your dreams, or even life itself? I think we have all felt that way at some point..and that is exactly what I'm feeling now. But still, I'm here typing this entry to inspire myself and anyone who's in the same situation as mine.

There are those times in life when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. These dark moments can seem so unbearable, so unbelievably hopeless, that you feel like giving up. I hope today’s inspirational words will help you to see that this is NOT the answer.

When faced with suffering that’s more than you can endure, do exactly what you think you cannot do. Instead of giving up, prove yourself wrong.

If you feel like you can’t keep moving, take just one more step. If you feel like you can no longer hold on, hold on another millisecond.

The hardest thing you’ll ever have to overcome is your belief that you cannot overcome. So, in the moments when you feel like giving up and falling flat on your face, remember that the biggest obstacle standing in your way is you. Confusion, anguish, frustration, pain—feel the emotions. But don’t give up. It is okay to weep, but weep as you keep going. Climb, run, walk, step, or even crawl just one more inch.

You may not be at your strongest, fastest or best; but the best of you is the reason that you can keep going. You may not be enjoying your journey nor having an easy time, yet you are headed toward a better season in your life. As you endure suffering and beat the odds, you become a shining example of the limitless possibilities available to yourself and others.

The next time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that you have to go through to come through. The hard times you’re experiencing are simply rocks (or boulders) on the path to your destination. Don’t let them discourage you from making it. They may be there to prepare you for something greater, in this life or the next. We don’t always get the answers to our “Why” questions, but everything, no matter how painful, will serve a purpose.

The journey of life is remarkable. Sometimes remarkably wonderful, sometimes remarkably painful. When you feel like giving up, it’s important to remember the moments that take your breath away: the smile of a loved one, the smell of fresh flowers, a heartfelt “I love you,” a beautiful sunrise, a passionate kiss. There is so much to live for, to hope for, to keep going for.

My friends, I encourage you to stay on the path, follow your dreams, and create the life you deserve. No matter what, never ever give up. If you will simply overcome the defeating lies you tell yourself, you won’t just go through hell— you will come through hell.. I’ll see you on the other side.

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