Sunday, December 12, 2010

Try Being Bored, It's Quite Entertaining

The next time you go out for a walk, focus on being bored for a while. It can be quite entertaining. I rediscovered that nugget of truth today when I took a walk around our block earlier.

This morning, I read a story about a journalism professor challenging her students to not use technology as much in their daily lives for five days. Fewer than 10 percent of the 43 students lasted longer than two full days. So the concept of how technology has infiltrated our lives was already on my mind when I went to go on my walk and discovered I’d left my iPod at home. Usually when I take these walks, it’s with my music playing, as a way to escape and relieve some stress. It was so beautiful outside and I needed the exercise, so I pushed ahead without my iPod, allowing myself to be bored during my walk, for lack of a better term. In truth, I wasn’t being fed lyrics to process, which allowed my mind to wander a bit.

It was enlightening to hear birds chirping and the wind rustle the leaves in the trees — and fun trying to figure out how many different kinds of birds and trees we must have on our block and the whole Clementi Town area. I also noticed a few new things involving the current expansion and landscape rejuvenation project we have going on — things I probably would have simply overlooked before because the noises in the area of those changes wouldn’t have caught my attention.

I also took a moment to stop and stare at the old steel benches that sits in the HDB mini park but that I’ve heard is being torn down as part of the landscape project. I snapped a photo and daydreamed a minute about the history behind those old steel benches and the entire HDB Blocks in general. After that, I started formulating this blog entry in my head.

I think the professor’s idea to have people realize how dependent we’ve become on technology for more than just productivity is a valuable lesson for students. I’m certainly not about to abandon technology and I think our lives are better because of it. Even while I was out enjoying my nature walk, I used my mobile phone to snap some pictures and send them to myself via email for use in this blog post.

Technology is a wonderful thing and we should use it to our full advantage for work and play. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t allow ourselves a little freedom from time to time. The old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” That may be true, but I also like my new saying, “Boredom is the father of entertainment.” Or at least a blog post.

Have a nice day everyone! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just Another Random Thought...

Pencil: I’m sorry….

Eraser: For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.

Pencil: I’m sorry cause you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you’re always there to erase it.But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.

Eraser: That’s true. But I don’t really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong.Even though one day, I know I’ll be gone and you’ll replace me with a new one, I’m actually happy with my job.

So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Teach The Children (The True Meaning Of Christmas)

This is my first blog entry about Christmas, as a forewarning to those it may offend; This blog mentions and discusses Jesus Christ. Please keep this in mind should you decide to read further. Please also know that my intent is not to alienate anyone, but to bring us closer together.

Yet, "Christmas," in it's accepted term, is a holiday celebrated by many who do not worship Christ. This is basically because the Church took a day that was a long celebrated Pagan Winter Solstice Day. Christmas has come to symbolize even to many non-Christians in a broad sense, giving, family, and peace.

Earlier i took a nap with my 5 month old son Juan Miguel and stumbled upon a very wonderful dream. It was so real that i even thought it really happened!

I heard a knock on our front door so i got up, open and to my surprise, standing in front of me was Santa Claus! Astonised, i asked " how ya doin' Santa? I was wondering why he had tears in his eyes. He's jolly manner was gone. Gone was the eager, boisterous character we all know.

Then he answered me with a simple statement:

I was puzzled.. what did he mean? He guessed my question and with one quick movement pulled out a miniature toy bag from behind.

As i stood dazed, Santa said;
"Teach the children, teach them the old meaning of Christmas. The meaning that now-a-days Christmas has forgotten."

Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a Fir Tree and placed it in-front of me.
"Teach the children that the pure green color of the fir tree remains green all year round, representing the everlasting hope of mankind, all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning towards heaven."

He again reached inside his bag and pulled out a Brilliant Star.
"Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Saviour for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise."

He then reached into his bag and pulled out a Candle.
"Tell the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the Light of the World, and when we see this great light we are reminded of Jesus who fills our lives with light."

Once again he reached inside his bag and removed a Wreath and placed it on the tree.
"Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the real nature of love. Real love never ceases,like God's love who has no beginning or end."

Then he pulled from his bag an ornament of himself.
"Teach the children that I, Santa Claus symbolizes the generosity and kindness we feel during the month of December."

He then brought our a Holly Leaf.
"Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by Our Savior. The red holly represents the blood shed by Him."

Next he pulled from his bag a Gift and said;
"Teach the children that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.. We thank God for His very special gift."

"Teach the children that the wise men bowed before the Holy Baby, and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We should always give gifts in the same spirit of the wise men."

Santa then reached his bag and pulled out a Candy Cane.
"Teach the children that the sugar cane represent the shepherd's crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back the lost sheep to the flock."

He reached again and pulled out an Angel.
"Teach the children that it was the angels who announced of the glorious news of the Saviour's birth. The angels sang "glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and goodwill to men."

Suddenly i heard a soft tinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled out a Bell.
"Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring to guide us to God. The bell symbolizes guidance and return. It remind's us that we are all precious in the eyes of God."

Santa looked back and was pleased. I saw the twinkle in his eyes as he said;
"Remember, teach the children the true meaning of Christmas and do not put me in the center, for I'am but a humble servant of the One that is, and I bow down to worship Him, our Lord, our God."

Let us remember what is the true meaning of Christmas, and how it can bring love and peace to even those who choose not to worship Christ. If you are Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim; even if you are an agnostic, or atheist, is Peace such a tough message to send? Of course not, which is why Christmas time brings about the Good Will in man. Of course, there are haters. Those who would stir trouble at the drop of a hat. Far outnumbering them, however, are the people that realize we are in this world together, and religion, or lack there-of should not stand in the way of friendship and peace. There are many loving, giving people who do not happen to be Christian. These are people who are very willing to give of themselves

As for Christians; Christmas is not just about buying gifts and keeping up with your neighbor. It's about the celebration of the birth of Christ. It is remembering what Christ did for us, and giving of ourselves to honor him. Remember what Christ gave for you. Although it may sound cliche; Remember the reason for the season.

"I would like to acknowledge my late grandmother Mrs.Tomasa Matanguihan Flores for sharing this to me 30 over years ago . I have kept and remember the meaning that up to this day in my dreams she visit's me with her thoughts and wisdom. I miss you Nanay, I love you very much! "Have a blessed Christmas to all."

Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Destroy A Child’s Life Without Really Trying

Witness the forming of a future old-man-penis-hating serial-killer

Feel Like Giving Up?

Do you ever feel like giving up? Giving up on your goals, your dreams, or even life itself? I think we have all felt that way at some point..and that is exactly what I'm feeling now. But still, I'm here typing this entry to inspire myself and anyone who's in the same situation as mine.

There are those times in life when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. These dark moments can seem so unbearable, so unbelievably hopeless, that you feel like giving up. I hope today’s inspirational words will help you to see that this is NOT the answer.

When faced with suffering that’s more than you can endure, do exactly what you think you cannot do. Instead of giving up, prove yourself wrong.

If you feel like you can’t keep moving, take just one more step. If you feel like you can no longer hold on, hold on another millisecond.

The hardest thing you’ll ever have to overcome is your belief that you cannot overcome. So, in the moments when you feel like giving up and falling flat on your face, remember that the biggest obstacle standing in your way is you. Confusion, anguish, frustration, pain—feel the emotions. But don’t give up. It is okay to weep, but weep as you keep going. Climb, run, walk, step, or even crawl just one more inch.

You may not be at your strongest, fastest or best; but the best of you is the reason that you can keep going. You may not be enjoying your journey nor having an easy time, yet you are headed toward a better season in your life. As you endure suffering and beat the odds, you become a shining example of the limitless possibilities available to yourself and others.

The next time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that you have to go through to come through. The hard times you’re experiencing are simply rocks (or boulders) on the path to your destination. Don’t let them discourage you from making it. They may be there to prepare you for something greater, in this life or the next. We don’t always get the answers to our “Why” questions, but everything, no matter how painful, will serve a purpose.

The journey of life is remarkable. Sometimes remarkably wonderful, sometimes remarkably painful. When you feel like giving up, it’s important to remember the moments that take your breath away: the smile of a loved one, the smell of fresh flowers, a heartfelt “I love you,” a beautiful sunrise, a passionate kiss. There is so much to live for, to hope for, to keep going for.

My friends, I encourage you to stay on the path, follow your dreams, and create the life you deserve. No matter what, never ever give up. If you will simply overcome the defeating lies you tell yourself, you won’t just go through hell— you will come through hell.. I’ll see you on the other side.