Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

this was supposed to be a status message/shout-out for my Facebook profile but it was too long and exceeded FB's character limit so i post it here as an entry instead;

"Happy Birthday Mom"

..if there is any word or line greater than how lucky and thankful I'am for having you as my Mother and Me as your Son; that would be it! i wish and pray to God that He keep you safe and give you long life :)

words cant explain how much I love You, I miss and thought of you every single day of my life here in SG.

Aurora Matanguihan Flores, you are my pillar of strength..thank you for understanding and always believing in me. you have always been my biggest fan and critic. thank you for in times when i was waging war on myself, you're always there to stop the fight.. and like a baby boy, i never was a man. but you have mold and taught me to be one..:)

God bless you always.. I LOVE YOU OH SO VERY MUCH!

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