Friday, July 2, 2010

Hey, Apple Is Hiring!

ei, whatta'ya know? Apple is hiring antenna engineers to work on its iPhone, the latest generation of which has triggered lawsuits from buyers upset because certain grips choke about its signal strength.

a posting online at said the company is looking for experienced engineers "able to design antennas suitable for wireless handheld devices with excellent radiation performance."

Apple's iPhone 4 launched a week ago with blockbuster sales and complaints by some that cupping the smartphones in a way that covers the lower left corner strangles telecom service signal, that's neat .. hehehe
according to Mr. Jobs during its launch at WWDC,iPhone 4 has silver edging designed as part of the antenna system to improve signal strength..but what the heck is goin here? duh?! of course Apple responded to signal strength complaints by telling owners of its latest generation iPhone to be mindful of how they hold the handsets. now, isn't that sweet for a smartphone that costs around S$1,000++? guess it goes as a package that after letting go of your hard-earned money, the convenience of using a mobile phone is also bee taken away from you,.jeez!

well there's always solution to every problem, right? Apple stated that, the problem could be fixed by moving one's hand or encasing iPhones in rubber "bumper" frames that Apple sells for US$30..whoa!

"gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas," Apple said in a statement.
- ei, nice one Scottie (or whoever spokesperson from apple said that) i wont be suprised that one day Apple will come up with a bluetooth head-set for the iPhone 4, so user's wont have to grip it while making a call..hmmm

"this is a fact of life for every wireless phone." **oh, really??? Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Motorola, HTC, Blackberry and let us not forget the ever-affordable, dual-sim, mp3/4player cum tv-enabled china-phone's dont have much of this problem**

Apple advised users who experience the signal problem to "avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases." ... now thats what i call extra-profit making *sighs*

latest reports surfaced of iPhone 4 buyers unsatisfied with Apple's response filing lawsuits in the United States against the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Macintosh computer maker.

i was browsing tru the interwebs and read about a lawsuit filed in the state of Maryland wants Apple and exclusive US iPhone telecom service provider AT&T to pay for "unlawful and unconscionable conduct" including "fraud, negligence and deceptive trade practices."

and hey, California law firm Kershaw, Cutter and Ratinoff used a freshly redesigned website to recruit disenchanted iPhone 4 buyers for a lawsuit against Apple.

"thousands of people are really unhappy with their new iPhones and Apple's response to the antenna issue," the law firm said in a blog post. "We told our audience we wanted to hear from them and boy did we." The law firm said it got 1,400 emails in a single day and that 98 percent of the missives "overwhelmingly expressed discontent."

antenna concerns did not deter the hordes that descended on Apple stores, with the firm reporting that it sold more than 1.7 million of the smartphones in the first three days on the market.

"i think these issues will sort themselves out," Gartner technology analyst Van Baker said; "it is a very impressive phone." ei, screw you Mr.Tech Analyst Man! hes facinated of its features that eventually lured people to the iPhone 4 include high-definition screens and "FaceTime," which uses a forward facing camera to enable video chat (iPhone to iPhone only) *beep* another deal breaker..

the original iPhone launched in 2007 brought smartphones to the masses (well at least in the US) Apple has sold more than 50 million of the handsets in the past three years. But its latest version enters a crowded market full of rivals boasting bigger screens and running on Google's open-source Android operating system, which is more accessible to developers than Apple's tightly guarded system.

so I think Uncle Stevie can take his sorry ass back to Cupertino and feed off his hype in the media or spend 100% of his time sucking he's media loving underated cock because "i think" that's all he is worth. at least we now know that iPhone 4 is truly nothing made special off its predecessors.

fwends of mine on iPhone.. nothing personal here. just speaking my mind out. peace y'all!

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