Friday, May 14, 2010

My Post-Election Blog Entry

Yesterday, I went to work on a cab and as luck would have it, I was able to have a sensible conversation with the cab driver who won my respect for his demeanor, intelligence and broad understanding of current events. Assuming it and confirming to him that I'm Filipino, he asked me about the my country’s economic state and we exchanged viewpoints about it.

The conversation brought us to the current plight of the common Filipino. He asked me if I believe there’s hope for my country to which I replied optimistically. I further added, it’s not the question whether Filipinos will be able to rise above poverty and other problems that people like us belonging to the third world is really up against with: it’s the decision and commitment to take responsibility for that decision to rise above the adversary.

Later in the day, my encounter with the cab driver awoke my awareness on the current hot news: the election or should i say on-going elections in the Philippines!

In the Philippines, if Holy Week is an event looked forward to by the predominantly Catholic populace, so much more do with the elections. Well, i don't vote, and not interested about it coz i lost trust in the integrity of our electoral system long ago thats why this post came in too late i guess, thanks to you Mr. Uncle Cab Driver Man! least i got something to blog about :D

Political election candidates in the Philippines, and probably everywhere else on earth, position themselves as the only hope of the people who’ll vote for them. For those who believe in the salvation through a divine being, if many prayers were yet unanswered, what more is the guarantee that these mere mortal politicians will deliver? Has it not occured to anyone of us that the socio-economic salvation we yearn for is in our hands and not in these politicians?

I find it quite revolting to see political campaign ads that subliminally, if not blatantly, express that we owe these shameless motherf*ck*rs whatever convenience we have and be grateful for having whatever hardship we have and not getting it anything worse! This makes me wonder how these people who should walk without a respectful countenance get to have a sound sleep at night, if ever they get to and their conscience not bother them.

Now that the elections is coming to its end, i hope that Filipinos, and maybe other nationalities who suffer the same plight, have exercise their power to vote properly and wipe away these animals in human form out of power.
I recently discovered why Filipinos have the mentality that foreigners, particularly Americans, are the hope of the Philippines: we always have a silly election slogan that goes “Vote Wisely”. People are looking forward to vote for a political election candidate who bears that surname!

We'll be or should i say have a new President-elect, i just hope his sister wont act as the devil's advocate behind his back once he starts office at the Malacanang Palace..

God bless us Filipino's .. God bless The Philippines!

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