Saturday, September 5, 2009

Protect Yourself From Office Creeps

Its Saturday, and as usual im all alone working @ 9:19pm.. and all my work is what to do? BLOG! yea, you read it right..and innovate something office-related.

Tired of office politics? Or how your boss fails to recognize your achievements but instead prefers your bootlickin’ officemate just because he’s/she’s a loudmouth smart-alecky? And worst of all, you can’t do a thing about it?

If you had enough, I say, screw em’ all!

Now this i s what i call a real equalizer: a mini-bow and pen!

You get to cream an officemate in the ass without being noticed. That is, if you’re a good pen flicker. So, practice first.

But if you want to be flagrant, aim right at the eyeballs. Hell, there’d be even no need for a bow! Just follow Kurt Cobain’s anthem first before doing it to your boss: “you can’t fire me because I quit!”

Gosh, I’m so evil. Too much office exposure, I suppose…

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