Wednesday, September 2, 2009

how to be "GOD" in your own normal way

..yes people its wednesday.. and as usual im so freaking bored at work.. (it pays to work in a solitary state of sh*T, in a company run by PANA's countrymen know what i mean, especially the one's working here in Singapore) so ,, tap, tap, tap..(keyboards clicking, and changing tabs..) i had too much RPG (mind you, i enjoyed playing Batman's Arkham Assylum *big shout out to the "man" know who "you" are..for the links and thanks for the cheats and the kick-ass code of imortallity* ... chatting with a close friend of mine talking about our nut-cracking status in our own offices..
so here goes,

my entries title: "how to be "GOD" in your own normal way"

here's the deal, buy a forest. buy (8) eight midget babies every year. be the only non-midget around and raise them to think you're their God.. nice ei?

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