Friday, May 15, 2009

Brazilian Model Mariana Bridi Killed By Hardcore Urinary Tract Infection

i came to know about this today and i don’t usually post any tragic sh*t on my blog, but what happened to Brazilian model Mariana Bridi’s just too incredible to ignore.

Mariana’s one of those Brazilian beauties with a bright, shining future ahead of her: finalist at the Brazilian Miss World pageant in 2007 and 2008, fourth placer in the Face of the Universe competition in South Africa, and regular winner in all sorts of bikini competitions. Which had been good for her — born to dirt-poor parents in Brazil, she saw modeling as the only means to lift her family out of poverty.

But now, the Big Shit: late last December, she contracted what had been initially thought a regular urinary tract infection (later, it was to be discovered that the bacteria that infected her was this alien mutant called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which in plain English is simply called “holy guacamole, Batman, that’s hardcore!”, but her condition quickly worsened, forcing desperate doctors to actually AMPUTATE her arms and legs.

She died last January 24 2009, by the way.

Now I have had a couple of UTIs, so I can just imagine how sh*tty Mariana’s infection was, especially if it was fast and furious and bleeds all over. But I suspect she died because she lost all her arms and legs — you’re a frigging hot model, you wake up with all your pretty equipment gone, and you’ll probably just give up the ghost, bacterial infection or not.

Anyway, check out the news here. For some deeper “self-reflection”, here’s Mariana Bridi’s website, which looks like it was constructed in 1991 at the dawn of the Internet.

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