Thursday, April 30, 2009

R.I.P Francis Durango Magalona 1964-2009

(this is a note i posted from my Facebook account.. and i just thought i post it here also)

4th Chemo Cycle January 14, 2009 5:50AM
(from Francis M's "a Fee Mind" blog)

“I look forward to the pain as I know my journey is on full speed ahead. I will not be bold to say that without asking a favor from you all. Please pray for me as I undergo treatment. Your prayers, as always, have sustained me. And am sure the Lord will listen to all our prayers. To His will I submit myself."
- Francis "Kiko" Magalona

you have won "The Happy Battle" bro.. you will always be remembered and your legacy will live in our hearts and minds forever..

"vaya fácil y descanse bien a mi hermano, bendiga su alma en nombre del padre, el hijo y el Espíritu Santo .. amén."

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