Friday, October 16, 2009

The Smiley Underwear Terrorising The Grocery Aisles

Earlier i asked one of my staff to go down the grocery store on the ground floor of our office building.. a few minutes he came back telling me that there's something inside the grocery store that's creating tension all over the place, so i went down to check it out and this is what i found:

using my ninja skills, i was able to get up-close and personal to the Perp,.. click on the pic to biggify :)


Saturday, October 10, 2009

A 14'Inch TV For Killing 83,000 Rats

its been a while huh? .. been busy with work these past weeks so ain't got any time to blog. Well, anyway, its Saturday. And as usual its just me, myself and i at my office..browsing through the slums of the interwebz, facebooking and tweeting :)

40 year-old Bangladeshi farmer Mokhairul Islam receives a 14-inch television. He won for being the most successful rat killer in his country. How successful? He basically dispatched 83,450 rats to meet their maker from January to September. And hey, ...that’s a f@*#king lot! Try picturing 80,000 dead rats and you’ll understand why this guy bears that smug “I’m a bad-ass rat killer, yeah!!!” face. His mother would’ve been so proud. \O/